“Kevin Costner Reveals Major Details About Horizon: An American Saga Chapter 3”
“Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1,” directed by Kevin Costner, debuted in June as the first installment of a planned four-part series. Despite its ambitious scope, the film faced challenges, earning $34 million at the box office and receiving mixed reviews—49% from critics and 70% from audiences on Rotten Tomatoes. This underperformance led to delays for Chapter 2. However, production for Chapter 3 commenced in June. Costner expressed his deep commitment to the project, stating, “It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I love this movie. The third one is even harder than the first two, and the fourth one will complete the story. I’m dedicated to bringing these grand tales to audiences and hope people connect with the characters.” The saga, a Western epic set during the US Civil War, includes two completed parts, one in production, and one yet to be filmed.